Today I listened to a very interesting radio interview with sportscaster, Bill Mercer. He is a sports broadcasting pro with a voice to match. Since I have a great interest in radio and host a radio show as a hobby, I wanted to hear what he had to say. Currently, he teaches a course in sports broadcasting at North Texas State University.
He has a deep, resonant voice, one that he said he had to work to rid of an inbred "Oklahoma drawl." Just the voice is enough to capture my attention and make me want to listen.
Several callers rang in and praised this man for the professionalism and quality in his broadcasting. But it was something that he said almost in passing that has kept me thinking all day. He said that he refused to run down and criticise players on the field, unlike some broadcasters do.
He has a great point. I just read an appeal from Frank Page, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, calling for rational dialogue and a ceasefire in personal attacks and character assassinations, IN THE SBC! That's right, Southern Baptist pastors and leaders have had a field day attacking one another in blogs and websites. Page appeals, "For Christ's Sake, Can We Stop It?" I know that these same pastors would be upset if their church members talked about them the way they talk about fellow ministers.
What is needed is for people to talk civilly about each other, and refuse to run other people down, even if there is an obvious opportunity. Mercer is clear on that issue: he won't do it. Even the interviewer commented, "You won't say anything bad about anybody?" Mercer's reply was basically that there is enough of that going on and there is no need for it.
Amen! Say it, Mr. Mercer!
Mother said, "If you haven't got anything good to say about anybody, then don't say it."
That's good advice, on or off the air.
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