Being a Diet Coke guzzler, I have occasion to frequent the convenience stores in my area, and in other areas when I am on the road. This means that I am daily, and sometimes more than once a day, in some convenience store filling my "jug." I like Diet Coke, but prefer it of the fountain variety. One friend of mine insists that he'd rather have it in the bottle because he says, "you get a consistent quality." He is right- some fountains dispense much better product than others. I have been known to dump the entire contents of my newly drawn jug of Diet Coke because of a bad taste. On the other hand, there are a few fountains I frequent because it tastes so good there.
Anyway, because of my frequent journeys to convenience stores, I do get known by the clerks. A few cut me some slack on my refill prices. In many ways, fountain drinks can be cheaper- another plus to consider in shopping.
Now to today's" what's up with this?" I have found a few clerks, all women, who call me "sweetie," "dear," "baby" "sweetheart," and other such endearing terms. To be sure, I do not know these ladies, which makes me wonder what they would call me if we were on a first name basis. I find this casual familiarity a bit disconcerting. I don't mind being friendly with strangers behind the counter, but I am not so sure about all this chumminess. For all these ladies know, I may be an outlaw on the run. I may have cased the store for a robbery. They don't know me. Why address me with such endearing terms? Frankly, it is a bit embarrassing and I wonder also if it is a bit unprofessional. If a male clerk spoke to female customers this way, would it be appreciated? I'll not even consider what would happen if a male clerk addressed another male as "sweetie."
Maybe it is the casual nature our society seems to relish. But truly the only sweet thing I seek in the corner convenience store is a Diet Coke. Speaking of, I'm on the way, sweetheart!
I'd rather have a beer.