Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Been A Week

As a bonus for this day, I add a post from my brother, Phil's New Creation blog:

I am sorry I have not written in over a week now. My goal has been to write here at least twice a week. Sometimes, however, in the midst of the fun, life happens and priorities have to change.

As most of you know, my mother went into the hospital last Wednesday with a tumor on her brain. She has battled cancer for two years. The tumor is operable. We were told yesterday afternoon that the surgery will either be Thursday or Friday. The surgeon is very confident the surgery will be successful. Mom is also battling depression. I appreciate your prayers for both her physical and emotional well-being.

The words of Isaiah 26:3 keep echoing in my mind.
You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.


  1. David,
    Praying for your family.
    Rick Hyde

  2. Just read your entry concerning your mom. Hope she is doing well. I will remember you guys in prayer. Please call if you need anything.

    In His Service
    Lamar Huffman
