Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break

This week has been...quiet. My family is visiting out of town and I am left behind. "When I come home, my house is dark and pots are cold." I find myself turning on some kind of noise so that it doesn't seem quite so lonely. I understand again God's wisdom in that "it is not good that man should be alone."

On the plus side, I have been able to get many things done:

1. I have reinstalled the Tiger operating system on my Mac. (No small task in and of itself.) This led me to get the new Leopard operating system which arrived today, after being ordered on Monday. Fast service!

2. Because of #1, I have had to backup all my music and files on a backup drive. Again, that is no quick task.

3. I fixed the bad rear tire on my bike (twice- after the "guaranteed not to leak" new tube did so.)

4. I took the bike on a very long ride which ended with the "guaranteed" tube going flat about a mile and a half from home. "Long walk." "Yep."

5. Because it is Spring, the grass has resumed its relentless growth which required yardwork. There was plenty of time for it, especially since the front curb has never been edged before. It will be easier the next time and the next time and the next time and the next...

6. I was able to reorganize my notes and plans for preaching for the next several weeks.

7. I spent extra time at the gym.

8. I didn't spend much time cooking. 'Nuff said.

9. I could watch anything I wanted on TV.

10. I left shoes in the floor every night. No one complained.

Actually, it has been quiet in my world all around. We have had fewer folks in the hospital this week, two staff member off, and less emergencies than usual. I'm try to be realistic, knowing that this too, shall pass.

Everybody needs a break. Mine is coming. In the meantime, someone has to make a living.


  1. My thoughts on your thoughts:

    1) You sound like you are a lot more technically developed than I am, with installing the Tiger system & all ...

    2) #1 notwithstanding, I have to wonder if the tire problem had more to do with the mechanic than the tube?

    3) I have found that time alone without my family is fun for a short time, then I get real lonely, and I am reminded of why I am glad I have them!

    Thanks for your article, Dave!

  2. If you really have a lot of spare time, check out this link ...
    A Conference Buddy
