Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Feel Sad

I feel sad for New York governor Eliot Spitzer and especially for his wife and three daughters after being caught in an FBI wiretap for soliciting prostitutes.  I am certain that more "revelations" are forthcoming.  Next, we will hear of some call girl who will step forward and tell all about this sordid affair.  Books and movie deals are surely not far behind.
Frankly, I've heard all I want to hear about it.  Just watching the video as this man apologized (but didn't) while his wife looked on with dull saddened eyes was all the message I needed to get.  I feel sad.
I also feel sad for two pastor friends of mine who are being forced to leave their pulpits under internal and external pressure.  While I know no specifics, I know they are hurting.  I hurt for them, too.
Some messes are of our own making, as in the governor's case.  Others come simply because we live in conflicted, adversarial world of often unrealistic expectations and unfulfilled wishes.
I feel sad.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your comments on my blog and realized that I had not checked yours out for a week or so. I did not know you were thinking, writing on this subject as well. When I saw Spitzer's wife during that Wednesday press conference I felt terrible. Brought me down for the rest of the day. We must think a like on some things.
