Last night our Ministeria Fellowship honored our local police officers with a banquet. It was a first for all of us. In fact, some long overdue awards were given. And, with a touch of irony, even though some awards were belated, a few "would not be in until Tuesday," due to their not being finished by the awards shop!
I had a moment to address the crowd. I observed that for me, "This is the safest place to be right now," right in the middle of all that firepower. It was good to show some honor and appreciation for those who put their lives on the line for us every day. I had the privilege to read some thoughts our AWANA children had written about police officers and to share a video featuring chilren replying to some questions asked them about the police.
One of them was, "What is a Police Officer's favorite food?" Would this be surprise? Every child (at least those on the video) answered, "Donuts!" It is interesting how even children have certain stereotypical perceptions.
I also read some of their written thoughts as they were asked to write a note using the acronym "P-O-L-I-C-E." Here are my favorites, with a touch of seriousness and humor:
P- eaceful
O- utstanding
L-ets us free sometimes (How did a child come up with this?)
I- ncredible
C- oncerning
E- xtra tools
P- rotect us
O- n the job 24-7
L- oves kids
I- will always protect and serve
C- atches bad guys
E- xcellent character
P- is for the people you have saved!
O- is for our love you gave us!
L- is for how loving you are!
I- is for how incredible you are!
C- is for cool you are!
E= is for your love of eating donuts! (See?)
And my personal favorite- and a favorite with many others, I might add:
P- lease step out of the car
O- open the door slowly
L- et me see your hands
I- D please
C- all for backup
E- veryone freeze
With gratitude to our men and women in blue...
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