Friday, January 16, 2009

A Conversation With Ryan Loveing

If you click on the icon to the right, you can go to my "Conversations With Dr. Dave" website. I have posted an interview I did this week with Ryan Loveing, who is a revival conference speaker with Life Action Ministries.

Ryan's story is quite intriguing. He is a Jew whose father was involved in mob activities. Ryan tells how his family came to know Christ as savior, his early married life as a businessman living the good life, and how he later became involved in Life Action Ministries.

Then, for good measure, he discusses what genuine revival is and why he spends 10 months on the road with his family traveling across the country.



  1. Excellent guest and podcast Dr. Dave!
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Excellent guest to interview. Good job. Thanks!!
