Today the new 44th president took office in what must be the most orderly transfer of power under the sun. One president took to the exits and another made his entrance.
The reports have noted the unparalleled excitement, crowds, and fanfare over this inauguration. Perhaps that is as it should be. Regardless of how anyone voted, Barack Obama is the president of our country. It is good to see people feeling good about their government and chief executive.
But tomorrow, it is off with the tuxedo and on with the work clothes. The new president faces domestic financial problems, wars, and the fulfillment of all the the promises he made.
What is not being widely reported is that minutes after he was sworn in, the new president began to fulfill his promise to lift abortion restrictions and support the "LGBT Community" (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). The positions of George W. Bush, often called the most prolife, pro-traditional family president in American history have been quickly and efficiently replaced by those of the new president.
It is indeed a new era.
I am going on record as saying I saw nothing to celebrate. His decisions that you mentioned prove that.