Over the years in my preaching and writing, I have made no bones about my prolife stance. I have examined the arguments, pro and con, of the prolife position and looked at them from a biblical stance.
My conclusion then, as now, is that abortion involves the taking of a distinctly human life. A proabortion stance ultimately involves utilitarian arguments, which, by themselves, do not discredit the position, but weaken the case when the moral implications are considered.
Now, having said that, the strongest argument I can make for being prolife is my youngest son, Caleb.
Caleb is my adopted son. My wife and I, after many disappointing efforts to have a child, including three miscarriages, had all but given up in the effort. We were blessed to have our one and oldest son, and began to believe that he would be only son.
Then my wife heard about a 14 year old girl, pregnant, and in a home for unwed mothers. She had been counseled by some to abort her baby and go about her life. But because of her convictions, decided to have her baby and give it up for adoption.
Long story short, that is how my youngest, Caleb, came to live with us. It, to me, is a miracle of serendipitous and unexpected events that brought us, him and his mother, together. Truly an Unseen Hand guided us and oversaw this stream of events.
Now, 12 years later, I am as strongly passionate about life in the womb being protected as ever.
One of the biggest reasons lives with me.
This is why I join with others in asking our church to pray that President-elect Obama will repent his of intention to sign the Freedom of Choice Act.
The picture included with this post is from the Mississippi Baptist Convention. In preparation for Right to Life Sunday, which is this January 18, they have built a memorial to remind us of how many children have been aborted since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Each penny in the glass house represents 1 aborted baby. With over 50 million abortions performed since then, the reminder is quite graphic and heart breaking.
Another interesting sidelight that Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has pointed out on his
blog is that that Sen. Edward Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, and former Vice President Al Gore were all once solidly anti-abortion advocates. If you follow the money trail, you can discover why they have changed their positions.
Our next generation of Americans have been sold for a mess of pottage- done in the name of convenience and expediency.
God help us!