Friday, August 22, 2008

Singin' With The Perrys

I've hosted, attended, and watched Southern Gospel music concerts too numerous to mention. Sometimes I was thrilled, other times moved, and occasionally bored. I am now blogging, having just turned the lights off at the church after hosting the Perrys. This concert came with only about three weeks notice and only because the original host had a fire in their building.

Well, the fire was burning tonight. It's been a long time since I've hosted a concert here with the crowd clapping, standing, and raising hands like this one did. It was an outstanding concert. The program was just right and the Perrys sang their hearts out.

But what I appreciate most is their spirit. After the concert, I did an interview with them for my radio show. I asked them about being plugged into a local church and how it has benefited their ministry. They told me how they had actually moved in order to be a part of a church in the Nashville, TN area. Bass singer Tracy Stuffle and his son attend a Bible study there each Tuesday morning at 6:00 am. The Perrys have a deep commitment to the ministry of song and to the propagation of the Word. It shows- it shows in their music and in their attitude. They are not up there to thrill the audience with how high the tenor can sing or how low the bass can go. They are there to minister.

Libbi Stuffle told me how important it was for them to be grounded in the word. Some would suggest that singing gospel music got you in church several days a week. Not so, says Libbi. You've got to be grounded in God's word. I admire that attitude.

No wonder they are considered by many to be the best mixed quartet in the business. Talent they have, but commitment to ministry is their greatest asset.

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