Slightly over a month ago I officially joined the "Over The Hill" club. (I have a vehicle decal and certificate to prove it.) I joined the ranks of those age 50 and over. The day was pleasant enough, with friends coming over that evening to share a meal and birthday cake. There were also various attempts to embarrass me. I admit they were successful when they took a picture of me outfitted in goofy glasses and buck teeth. I thought it was the end of the matter until this embarrassing photo appeared in church and on my pulpit the next day! Of course, no one admits to this prank nor knows anything about it.
I think I had fairly well adjusted to my new sense of mortality until I arrived home from being with my family during my mother's surgery and death. I had collected a number of receipts for meals and such. It was a bit of a shock when I discovered the receipt which I now display, with apologies for the poor contrast. If you notice closely, you will discover that along with the meal, I was blessed with a "senior discount." Now that is not so bad, but I did not ask for the discount! My insecurity kicks in and I ask myself, "Do I really look like a senior?" Admittedly, the hair is grayer, and the wrinkles are more numerous. But am I really looking my age? Apparently the clerk thought so and didn't have to ask, nor did I have to tell.
I mourned the passing of my mother. Now I mourn the passing of my youth. Both can never return. But in many ways I wish neither of them back.
Oh, well. It's not all bad to grow older. It even pays.
That is TOTALLY FUNNY! It couldn't have happen to a nicer guy! Yeah, guess that gray hair made them think you were a senior! What Hoot! It happens to all of us, way too fast!