Sunday, October 14, 2007

Dear Folks...

Among my parent's things as we cleaned out old papers and began the task of clearing up the estate, we found this letter I had sent them 28 August 1997, days after my 40th birthday:

Dear Folks.

Thank you for so many things:

1. Giving me life.
2. Giving me a Christian home.
3. Encouraging me.
4. Disciplining me when I needed it.
5. Being a constant in a changing world.
6. Caring for my wife and children- we had a wonderful time in Arkansas and you helped make it possible.
7. Insisting I get a good education.
8. Helping me buy cars, record players, and a building.
9. Praying for me.
10. Always showing love.

That's my top ten! Thank you also for the birthday money. I bought an organizer for my desktop. I had the best birthday I ever had. I'll have to tell you about it. Again, thank you for keeping Caleb, for the money, and so many things for which I could never thank you enough.

I love you both,

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts! Reading this post remimnded of what I wrote about my mother shortly after she passed away. I decided to post it and included a link to your post. You may read it at I hope that you'll leave a comment on my post and subscribe to my blog by e-mail. If you put up an e-mail subscription link to your blog, I'll sign up. - Rick
