Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sunday School Passion

I attended a Sunday School Leadership dinner tonight. Our Sunday School leadership team is contacting and cultivating potential workers and leaders in our Sunday School. They've even developed a pass code: One person says "Bible Study" and the other says "exciting!" (This also works in reverse.)

Besides a wonderful dinner featuring chicken cordon bleu, we heard from Sunday School teachers about what teaching and leading a class meant to them. We started with an adult leader and worked down to preschool.

Every speaker had a passion for what he or she was doing. You could feel it the moment they spoke. They were convinced that they were touching lives and making a difference through their work in Sunday School.

As I listened to them speak, I had two feelings: I was grateful and I was proud. I was grateful for those who serve in our Bible Study ministry and proud to hear their passion for what they were doing. These folks are an extension of my own ministry in the church. They are able to cover ministry bases that I, being only one, can't always cover.

I also felt a twinge of sadness for those who simply show up on Sunday and miss the blessing of service.

These were all laypeople. They were not paid staff. They served in these ministries because they felt called, just as our staff serves in their ministries because they feel called.

I am proud to serve with these folks. And I pray that the rest of the church can catch just a little bit of their passion for service.

Blessed are they who serve!

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