Today, I have reached half century mark. It was fifty years ago on this day that my mother bore her first child- me. And she has been paying for it ever since. I've thought about those clever things you can say and reflect upon as you reach milestones like this, so I have a couple of thoughts on becoming 50 years old.
1. There seems to be more people younger than me than older than me. Who moved? There are fewer grandfather/grandmother types, and now I am seeing fewer parent types. I am becoming, with my generation, "king of the hill."
2. There is a wisdom of life's experiences I can fall back upon to guide me in making decisions, leading my life, and leading my church. I certainly don't think I have seen it all, but I sometimes think I am coming close. That wellspring of wisdom I am passing on to a generation of new leaders. I told them last Sunday how I wish someone had done this for me 25 years ago.
3. I am finding it easier to just say what I think. In younger days, wanting to please others and not wishing to hurt feelings, cause conflict, or even disagree, I tended to keep conflicting perspectives and opinions to myself in one on one discourse. I didn't like confrontation. Really, I still don't, but I am not afraid to just say what is on mind, but temper the truth with love. I also find that the older I get, the more I appreciate this in others. So many people beat around the bush or indirectly hint at their points. Just tell me what you think!
4. Also, it is still good to have a birthday. They are not nearly as much fun as when I was six and got bicycle, and a tommy gun. For many years, my mother would make my favorite cake- strawberry cake with strawberry icing! Now the cake is the problem. A birthday is like a day when you are afforded a luxury to "have it your way." I like that for one 24 hour period a year.
5. Finally, though I enjoy birthdays, and enjoy celebrating with others, I am not as fond of having to sing the restaurant's birthday song as a fellow diner celebrates his or her birthday. I never liked much fuss over my birthday, so I try not to make a scene. Now, if I want to embarrass someone....
There is- me at mid century, midlife, and out of thoughts.
Happy Birthday. Hope it was special.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope that you had a great 50th!