I was working through some files and found this observation. I am not sure who wrote it, but it was not I:
If a church hires a new music leader, it can expect a significant turnover. Musical style and presentation in the church is one of the biggest factors for choosing a church in the first place. And when that changes, even slightly, we feel we have an excuse for leaving. I love our music leader. Great guy, great life story. He spent three stints in prison in his 20s before he surrendered his life to the King of Kings. But I don’t like the songs he chooses on most Sundays. I don’t want to sing about me and how blessed I am. I want hymns, the richness of lyrics that have been handed down for hundreds of years. But should I leave my church just because our song leader doesn’t choose songs I like? Is it really all that important what I think about the music selection? Can God not receive praise even if I think the lyrics are trite and bland?
Many of us church leaders have well programmed and produced and timed our church worship to the point that even rock stars are envious.
All the while, are we may be saying, "You can have it your way." Some of us also know that if we don't give it to 'em like they want it, well, there's always another church down the road.
What of being a follower of Jesus Christ means that we are to "deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him?"
Our music and art can be a dead giveaway.
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