Monday, January 4, 2010

How Often Do You Hear Something Like This In Media?

Yesterday, Britt Hume made some comments on Fox News about Tiger Woods, even offering his counsel:

Hume is absolutely right. Buddaism has no theology of forgiveness. But Christianity does. Good advice from a place one doesn't normally hear it.

The one thing I would add is not that Tiger would come to the "Christian faith." I pray he comes to Christ. That's the only way he can rebuild his life.



  1. Good post David. One thing that always struck me about Woods is that he has been asked by the media (and I will look for it)if he credited God for any of his golfing gifts and Woods rejected that. Woods said that he achieved success from lots of hard work but would not give God any credit. Kathy said she saw this somewhere as well. Sounds like Tiger has a bigger problem than just his home life. Happy New Year.

  2. WOW. Brit's is right on!!! I have added this video to my Facebook page.

