Friday, December 11, 2009

He Rode In From The Past, part 2

We both married a year out of high school. He was living down in southeast Texas. I was still in my hometown. After that, our lives took different turns but resulted in our sharing a common calling.

Gary got involved in motorcycle gangs and the whole lifestyle, eventually becoming a national officer. He was injured in an industrial accident and returned to his hometown.

A couple of years after I married, I felt called to ministry. Deborah and I quit our jobs, sold our home, and moved to Marshall, TX for me to attend East Texas Baptist College. (Now University.)

Gary's daughter and later his wife began to attend church, mainly because Gary wanted his daughter to have some morals. He wanted this for his daughter though he admits that he had no morals himself.

I graduated from college, later seminary and began to pastor churches. My wife and I began to raise our two sons. She continued her education which will soon result in a Ed.D in nursing education.

Gary's wife is a visiting nurse.

As Gary's daughter attended church, later his wife did so as well, he wanted no part of "church." That was fine for them, but not for him.

Over time, his daughter gave her life to Jesus Christ, then his wife did as well.

Then one night it happened...

(To be continued...)

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