Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One In The Win Column

My youngest son, Caleb, over the years has played various sports including soccer, baseball, basketball, and even the swim team for a brief shining moment. Unfortunately, most of those teams ended up having more "L's" than "W's" in the columns. He became discouraged with team efforts.

Today, he had a big "W." His mother and I have rejoiced with him and are glad he got a win under his belt. Today was band competition in Lake Charles. He plays baritone saxophone in the Maplewood Middle School band. Last night, he had to have a special black shirt and pants outfit bought, ironed and laid out. He also had his money- excuse me, my money- laid out for the trip.

He could barely contain his excitement. This morning, he cut quite a dashing figure in his new outfit. Then it was off to school with his mother and high hopes.

About mid morning, amidst hospital calls, I got a text message saying, "Hey dad, guess what?" "We don't get to go to state but we won a trophy its the first in history in a long time for Maplewood Middle School." (sic)

I texted back, "That is so cool! I'm very proud of you." (I make occasional attempts to be "hip," and/or "cool" all the while remaining "parental."

About an hour later, he texted back, "We are going to state!!!!!"

I replied, "Yea!"

His response was, "Yea im happy."

I was happy that he was happy. I guess it is the proud parent in me. We all want our children to do well, to win a few. They will sometimes if not often lose, but it is nice when success comes. I'm proud of him and his band.

He was still wound up at bedtime.

There's nothing like a victory to shore up the spirits. This one'll keep us going for a while.

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