Thursday, March 5, 2009

Church Slogans

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They used to be a bit more popular than they are today. Church slogans. You'd see them on letterheads, the sides of church vans, in the bulletins, and on other printed material. I have not been one to get on the church slogan bandwagon. Frankly, most of them seem to me to be a bit on the cheesy side.

For example:

"Where Everybody is Somebody and Jesus is Lord."
Why is this true at this church? Is this not true EVERYWHERE? Whether you attend that church or not, you are still somebody and Jesus will always be Lord.

"Where Jesus is Lord."
See the above

"Where the Bible is believed, preached, and taught."
Ok. Is there a valid New Testament church that would actually say that it doesn't believe the Bible, preach it, or teach it?

"A Going Church for a Coming Lord."
Actually, I like this one a bit better. It has a nice balanced ring to it. However, no one has bothered to define exactly where this church is going.

"The End of Your Search for a Friendly Church."
I learned a long time ago that most people are not looking for a friendly church; they are looking for friends. In fact, I read some research material this week that suggested that churches are not perceived to be as friendly by outsiders as those inside them perceive them. But who among church members will not say that theirs is a friendly church? Besides that, I also learned a long time ago that if you have to say it yourself, it probably 'taint so.

My Favorite:
"Home Of the Crater Of Diamonds."
Most churches use some sort of spiritual, biblical, or Christological theme. This slogan was printed on the side of the church van in Murfreesboro, AR when my friend, Rick was pastor. He enjoyed pointing out that his church followed a more chamber of commerce theme over something more theological. It certainly was unique, and Rick endlessly enjoyed pointing out that he was from the "Home Of The Only Diamond Mine In North America."

In fact, a favorite memory has Rick and I in that van returning from one of our Doctor of Ministry classes in Little Rock, AR. For some reason which I now cannot recall, he was in a hurry to get home.

Hurry means speed, and speed he did.

Right down the Interstate.

Right past a prominent deacon in the church who was also returning home from Little Rock in his car.

I have often wondered what this deacon must have thought as he watched his pastor and a fellow pastor, in church van, speeding down the highway.

Fortunately, I'm told, the subject never came up.

It reminds me of a slogan I used to see on bumper stickers many years ago: "Speed on, brother....."

I'll leave the rest to your memories.

1 comment:

  1. Glad I found you. I have been asked to do the Wednesday night services this month. I am working on Living and Dead Faith and will launch from 2 Cor 3:2,3 regarding Pauls comment to the Corinthians saying, "You are our epistle....". Nothing we write in stone will reflect what is written in our hearts. Slogans cloud the issue of what Christianity is all about. Just come inside and let us be who we are toward God. If you are like us, please join. If not, we would like to introduce you to Jesus.
