Thursday, April 26, 2007

Church Signs Continued

This one was given to me by one of my church members. If you have any to share, please email them to me. Thanks!

Dropping Evangelism

Interestingly enough, a new book by Leonard Sweet notes that while Christians are distancing themselves from terms like "evangelist," and "evangelical," the corporate world is embracing them.

For instance, Larry Gibson, a former mining maintenance worker now calls himself an "evangelist of the environmental cause." John Bates, of proudly displays a calling card that reads, "John Bates, evangelist."

The magazine Business Week recently gave the title "Management Evangelist" to John Welch, well known for his skill in leading the General Electric Corporation.

So where are the evangelists in the church? I hear often that "churches just don't hold revivals like they used to," and Christian "evangelists are having a hard go of it" because they don't get as many opportunities to hold revivals these days.

An evangelist declares good news. The best news is that Jesus come to seek out and save lost humanity. For that purpose, I and every Christian are called to be evangelists.

In or out of the corporate world.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Promised Pictures

Here are some of my favorites. These are actual church signs! I am always interested in more if you have any to share.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Collecting Signs

I enjoy examples of strange signs. I especially like unusual church names or signs. A few months ago, two churches near my house had "dueling church signs."

On one church's marquee, the sign read, "Sign Broken. Message Inside." On the sign of a church next door, the sign read, "Sign Fixed. Message Still In Inside." Touche!

Later one of these churches displayed a sign with refreshing honesty. Its message board read, "God Loves You, And Most Of Us Do, Too." How true it is.

Later on, I'll post a few photographs of my favorite church names. These are actual churches.

Stay tuned.

Monday, April 9, 2007

A Great Easter!

I note in Wade Burleson's blog where pastors commented on their Easter Sunday services. Our church had a wonderful day as well. Any Sunday we baptize several new believers and receive other new members is a good day as far as I am concerned.

The weather was unseasonably cool and also wet, so our outdoor service at the city pavilion had to be relocated to the church. No one seemed to mind, though.

To top it off, we had no evening services. I got to rest and relax with my family. I didn't know what to do with myself! Almost!

In short, attendance was good, the spirit was high, and commitments were made. It was a great Easter!

He is risen, indeed!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

It Was Friday, And Sunday Came

I recently read a newspaper article saying that the crisis in Iraq will one day pass. As did the violence and terrorism in Somalia come to an end, so will the violence in Iraq end.

The other day, I found some old medical bills and insurance paperwork concerning a surgery I underwent about ten years ago. At the time, I recall wondering how I would pay the medical bills, and how I would get through the surgery. Truth is, I did on both accounts.

I am reminded of the old phrase, "This too, shall pass."

On this Easter Sunday, I am reminded that the crucifixion of Christ came on Friday, but Sunday loomed on the horizon. The pain of Friday would be replaced by the sheer delight of Sunday. Whatever I am going through will come to an end- pain, suffering, trials, and heartaches. They will be replaced-one day- by joy.

It is good to remind myself of that from time to time.