Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prophetic Timeliness

Last Sunday, I preached a message on "Affirming Life." I stated my prolife stance concerning abortion, gave Biblical, scientific, and personal reasons for it, and invited the congregation to join us this in attending the Louisiana Life March event in Baton Rouge on Saturday, January 22.

Simple and direct. That was my plan.

It was also untimely, in the sense that this coming Sunday, January 23, is reserved as "Sanctity of Life Sunday." I was one week early.

No, the message was right on time.

I had felt a simple urging to preach on this vital topic for several days prior to Sunday, Jan 16, even though the official day was one week later. To be sure, it really doesn't make all that much difference.

But in this case it did.

I preached the message for three reasons:
1. The topic needs to be addressed.
2. I am pro-life.
3. I haven't addressed the topic as a sermon subject in a few years.
4. I wanted to publicize the Louisiana Life March coming this Saturday. To wait until January 23 would be one day late.

Actually, the message turned out to be right on time.

As it turns out, a person was considering aborting a baby on Monday, the day after I preached that message. A friend who heard the message was able to show the person considering the abortion that it would indeed affect a human life; a baby.

As a result, the person decided not to abort. A decision is made, and a life is saved.

One week later, if I had waited to preach that message, that life would have been taken.

Prophetic Timeliness.

I believe it was the work of the Spirit of God.

I stand in awe.

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