Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter: It's Resurrection Time

Since today is the day to celebrate resurrections, and Jesus' in particular, I have decided to resurrect this blog.

Over the weeks, my life has been terribly busy and crowded. For the last four weekends, I have had to preach funerals or perform weddings. In between, it seems I was going to hospitals or preparing for a retreat or another speaking engagement. After a partial week of downtime to regroup, I am ready to reemerge into the blogosphere. I enjoy writing on virtually whatever topic comes to mind and have missed doing so.

One can truly appreciate things returning to "normal," or whatever that means. It is a bit frightening to think that being in some sort of rut is preferred by me. Otherwise, I am simply getting older.

It occurs also that I am well likely attempting to fill a demand where there is none. "Since you insist, I'll be glad to sing for you," the punch line goes to the old joke about someone who thinks they can sing while no one wants to hear. Thus I hope I am not singing while no one is listening.

Keep listening.

I have again come forth.

Happy Resurrection Day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm listening, keep them coming. Steven Sheldon
