The governor of Illinois apparently has a foul mouth.
And, apparently, his wife does as well.
Allegations are being reported that Rod Blagojevich, the current governor of the state of Illinois, has attempted to sell the senate seat vacated by Barack Obama to the highest bidder. And in the worst way.
Last night, even former presidential contender John McCain got into the act as well.
Plastered across television screens and appearing in news columns has been the text of some comments Blagojevich made about President-elect Obama that were uh, well, unflattering for either man. These words are apparently enough to make a sailor blush. For modesty's sake, news reports have been kind of enough to "bleep" the worst offending phrases. Of course, it doesn't take much imagination to fill in the blanks.
The governor's wife as well seems to have a problem with potty talk. What happened? It used to be considered "unladylike" for a woman to speak this way. To be fair, I believe no man or child need speak this way either.
We are inundated in this society with a variety of words once considered unfit for polite company. Television shows, popular songs and movies, as well as people on the street seem to have little regard for self censorship when it comes to the use of "colorful metaphors." (With a nod of the space helmet to Checkov of Star Trek fame.)
Last night, on the David Letterman show, even John McCain chose to use some "colorful metaphors." While he didn't say them outright, he still "bleeped" himself in an attempt to be a regular funny guy.
I find nothing funny, charming, or respectable about the use of dirty words. I don't like to hear these words accidentally, in jest, or in anger. In fact, I don't like to hear them at all. I certainly don't think they are necessary. I don't think they enhance anyone's status, make them appear cool, or get the point across. I lose respect quickly for anyone who has to resort to foul language.
In fact, years ago, I attended a mandatory sales meeting at the retail store which employed me. During his motivational and informational talk, the presenter thought it necessary to use some choice words, and I don't mean French ones. After this verbal assault, I was deeply offended. For some reason, we were asked to evaluate the presentation. Though it was over 20 years ago, I can still recall my three word evaluation- "Foul language unnecessary."
In fact, I had some "Doctor of Profanity" cards made up. They are intended to be given to those who believe that cussing somehow enhances their status or gets the job done when plain old words won't.
We've all hit our fingers with the hammer. We've all said words we shouldn't have. I was not permitted to use expletives at home, and out of respect for my parents, refused to do so.
Except once.
Mother washed my mouth out with soap. I never cussed in front of her again.
Maybe Governor Rod Blagojevich and his wife need THEIR mouths washed out with soap.
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