Sunday, April 13, 2008

Non Emergent Nurses

I have returned from the National Conference on Preaching held in Washington, D.C. It was a great time to hear some of America's greatest preachers, dialogue with homeliticians, and to do a bit of sightseeing. As I was perusing my blog, I found an old unpublished bit of writing:

Having a bit of time to think, write, and rest as I sit with Mother at the hospital, I noticed and interesting sign on the wall behind the nurse's station:

For Non Emergent Nurses
Call ......... (pager)

With all the discussion of emerging and emgergent churches, I was surprised find that nurses as well can be emergent.


  1. I find it comforting that they would be on call, but I am not sure what I would get when they arrived. I am sure it would be something relevant, but would be exactly what I need?

  2. That's just it, the non-emergent nurse wouldn't be as likely to have relevance.

    Nevermind the funny jargon, institutional attire, and the never ending appeal to sovereignity, only emergent nurses need apply!
