Some time ago, I acquired the book, "The Man of Sin," by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. Like so many of my newer books, it has languished on my shelf. It has an intriguing title and subject.
As a student in college, I and my wife made friends with two other couples. One had gone to college to study music. He later quit to take a full time job. The other man had begun college to study for ministry. I alone was the struggling college student.
We had a common calling.
We also had a common interest.
Eschatology is the study of last things. It is concerned with end times, the return of Christ, and things like Final Destiny. (That sounds so terminal.)
We would get together on Saturday evenings to eat a meal together and to fellowship. While our wives contented themselves with conversational topics of whatever women like to discuss, we men talked eschatology.
We debated.
We argued.
We agreed.
We speculated.
We were stimulated.
I learned more though those discussions about eschatology than any formal study I've done of the topic. I had to read and study just to keep up with these guys.
I find that people have a great interest in end time issues. Church members want to hear the latest as well. From time to time, I've tackled these topics from a preaching and teaching standpoint. My standard approach has been to address topics relating to eschatology or to preach through books like 1 and 2 Thessalonians. Pretty general.
Until now.
I've heard plenty in my time about just WHO antichrist (The Man Of Sin) is. Incidentally, he's been just about every American President of the past, including the current one who occupies the White House.
Given my "education," from my friends, subsequent study, a personal interest, my aquisition of this book, and now renewed speculation about who this Man is, I've recently felt I needed to address a specific eschatological topic.
The Man Of Sin.
I have been to man out a new sermon series I call, "The Spoiler." This is who this Man is called in Isaiah 33:1. Thus, this Fall, Lord willing, I will be delivering a series of messages on this one topic. As of tonight, I put my volunteer researcher on the topic. It was like throwing fresh meat to a hungry lion.
I can hardly wait to see what I will say.
Stay tuned.