When we last visited, I posted my 10 Reflections on Ministry after 10 years as a full time pastor. Since it is now 20+ years, I thought the list could use an update.
1. Ministry has never been easy. In fact, it is much more difficult than even 10 years ago. A common attitude among many church hopping members is "What Have You Done For Me, LATELY?"
2. Very few men have I kept up with since college/seminary days. However, I have two friends, fellow pastors, who have "stuck closer than a brother" to me. Ironically, we all met in the same association at the same associational meeting over 20 years ago. We still get together for the occasional conference.
3. At my age, experience has hopefully given me wisdom and guided my steps. I'm not nearly as likely to take a risk in or out of ministry as I once was. I fear playing it too safely.
4. I still insist that my seminary training was lacking in many areas. But I also believe that the emphasis on pastor as leader may be swinging back to pastor as shepherd- i.e. "Brothers, We Are Not Professionals," by John Piper.
5. I have had the privilege of being an adjunct professor and a tutor. I really don't miss being a student. It is more fun to be a teacher.
6. I believe my preaching is now swinging back to doctrinal issues. There is a distinct lack of doctrinal preaching in many pulpits. However, doctrine can be incredibly practical. It's all in the presentation.
7. Churches still need dreams, and big ones. But more than that, they need dreamers.
8. There is still no substitute for a loving, compassionate spirit. They may forgive poor preaching, but they will not forget poor pastoring.
9. It is a joy to love and be loved as a pastor. However, I have discovered, as a fellow pastor once observed after encountering hostility in the church directed at him, "I've never been in a church where people didn't like me." I have. It's not fun. But I don't serve merely to please my congregation. There is another One Whom I must please.
10. This pastoral journey is still my passion! The blaze almost went completely out. I tried to quit once. But it was a loving deacon who convinced me to give it one more go. I'm glad I listened!
11. Sometimes, decisions have to be made for reasons which cannot be fully revealed, due to the nature of ministry. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflict in the church.
12. There is a distinct decline in in the trust level of "Joe the Plummer" for ministers in general. People today naturally seem to be cynical of any type of authority figure.
13. Church ministries have to compete more and more with other activities as families crowd their lives with busyness.
14. There is still no substitute for integrity in the life of a minister.
15. I can't get used to younger ministers who use the latest "cool" vernacular in the pulpit, even stooping to use vulgar phrases to appear hip.
16. I believe there are pastors, who, if the truth were known, really don't like people very much.
17. Sunday's always coming.
18. There is a richness of study and experiences I now have to draw upon in preaching and teaching. One of the best things I have done from my early days of ministry is to file my Bible studies, sermons, books, and to keep good records of funerals and weddings.
19. I have been privileged to mentor at least a dozen young men who surrendered to ministry under my ministry. I would love to have a few more.
20. I have learned the hard way that just because Church X in one geographic location is doing it and is growing doesn't mean that it will work in Southwest Louisiana and East Texas.
21. The style of music in the church is not nearly as big an issue to me as the spirit in which it is done.
22. There are churches, some very contemporary in style and philosophy, and some very traditional in style and philosophy, that are experiencing strong growth. The common denominator is God's good hand upon a man's ministry.
23. (One to grow on) After 22 years of full time ministry, with its joys and heartaches, I still love what I do and I get to do it!